We are delighted to announce the publication of Key Classical Works on Islamic Ethics (قراءات في عيون التراث الأخلاقي الإسلامي), edited by Mutaz al-Khatib. This book is the seventh volume in the Studies in Islamic Ethics series and offers a comprehensive exploration of ethical thought within the Islamic tradition.
About the Book
This volume moves beyond the narrow philosophical concept of ethics confined to the Greek tradition, demonstrating that Islamic ethics is an interdisciplinary field. It covers both theoretical and practical ethics, integrating perspectives from Qurʾān, ḥadīth, the biography of the Prophet (sīra), theology (kalām), jurisprudence (fiqh), Sufism, and philosophy.
Spanning key ethical texts from the 3rd/9th to the 8th/14th century, this volume highlights:
• Diverse Ethical Perspectives: Showcasing multiple approaches, including Greek philosophical, narrative, and analytical methods beyond philosophy.
• Challenging Perceptions of Scarcity: Emphasizing the depth and richness of ethical sources within Islamic civilization.
Key Features:
• Broad Disciplinary Scope: Covers contributions from various Islamic disciplines beyond traditional philosophy.
• Analytical Readings: Provides insights into classical ethical texts spanning several centuries.
• Essential Resource: A valuable reference for scholars, students, and those interested in Islamic moral thought.
Matthew Anderson, Ovamir Anjum, Raja Bahlul, Hans Daiber, Omar Farahat, Mohammed Ghaly, Paul Heck, Mutaz al-Khatib, Taneli Kukkonen, Chafika Ouail, Arjan Post, and Jason Welle.
Table of Contents
Notes on Style, Transliteration, and Dates ix
Notes on Contributors x
Introduction xvi
Mutaz al-Khatib
Select English-Language Bibliography
Key Literature on Classical Ethical Works xxix
Mutaz al-Khatib
1 Mapping Islamic Ethical Sources
A Critical Review 1
Mutaz al-Khatib
2 The Ethics of Certainty
Makārim al-Akhlāq by Ibn Abī l-Dunyā 30
Paul L. Heck
3 Adab al-Ṭabīb by Isḥāq b. ʿAlī al-Ruhāwī
The Continued Relevance of Classical Medical Ethics 56
Mohammed Ghaly
4 »نوادر الأصولالرؤية الأخلاقيّة في «
ئيّة السُّ لْطةلئيّة الأخلاق وولالحكيم الترمذي ّ بين و 95
شفيقة وعيل
5 The Cognitive Therapy of Abū Bakr al-Rāzī’s al-Ṭibb al-Rūḥānī 123
Raja Bahlul
6 Didactics of Blame and Tactics to Tame
Al-Sulamī’s ʿUyūb al-Nafs wa-Mudāwātuhā 144
Jason Welle
viii Contents
7 Miskawayh’s Kitāb Ṭahārat al-Nafs as a Program Leading to Ethicisation
of Knowledge 166
Hans Daiber
8 Meta-Ethical Contributions of Ashʿarī Theological Writings
A Reading in al-Juwaynī’s al-Irshād and al-Shahrastānī’s Nihāyat
al-Iqdām 184
Omar Farahat
9 Iḥyāʾ ʿUlūm al-Dīn by Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī 206
Taneli Kukkonen
10 Ethical Dimensions of al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ’s al-Shifā 229
Matthew M. Anderson
11 التخصصات أخلاق الإ سلامية حقلا ً متعدّدلاأسيس لاالعز ّ بن عبد السلام والت
»قواعد الأحكام» و«الإ مام» و«شجرة المعارفقراءة في « 248
معتز الخطيب
12 Ibn Taymiyya’s al-Tuḥfa al-ʿIrāqiyya
Observing God’s Ethics through Sufi States and Stations 290
Arjan Post
13 Al-Ādāb al-Sharʿiyya by Ibn Mufliḥ
Traditionalist Ethics in Medieval Islam 310
Ovamir Anjum
Index 327
Available Formats
• E-Book (PDF): Available as an open-access publication, ISBN: 978-90-04-45947-2
• Hardback: Available for purchase, ISBN: 978-90-04-45946-5
• 🔗 Access the book here to explore its rich insights into Islamic ethical thought.