Introduction to Islamic Ethics, Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford

This weekend course will explore the traditional basis of Islamic ethics and how we might apply some of the key elements of this understanding when considering how to approach ethical issues relevant today. Lecture content will cover the theoretical framework (basic terminology, essential concepts and an introduction to theological philosophy and its relationship with ethics from an Islamic perspective) and through case studies will look at how this is applied in practice. Critical discussion and engagement from course participants will be encouraged.

Halal but un-islamic, restoring the Ethical Core of Islam

The last three hundred years of Muslim history has witnessed the gap between law and ethics widen. Throughout various intervals in history, the discipline of law lost its connection with the ethical paradigm of Islam. The Islamic faith has been reduced to a legal barometer, a code of halal and haram. The microscopic lens of our legal tradition which dissects and deciphers to offer creative legal solutions is the pre-eminent and predominant framework through which we analyse and make sense of the world around us. The result?


What is Islamic about “Islamic Ethics”?

Great poets ponder the human condition and distill wisdom in pithy lines that reflect the greatness and fragility of this being human. Ahmad Shawqi, the Prince of [Arab] Poets, bequeathed us such a pearl of wisdom: انما الامم الاخلاق ما بقيت فان هموا ذهبت اخلاقهم ذهبوا (Nations are nothing but their ethics; once their ethics lost, nations are no longer).


Contemporary Animal Farming in Light of Islamic Principles

Regular and frequent consumption of meat has become a staple of food culture. In Western and also in Arab countries traditional dishes mostly contain meat or dairy products. Its consumption is a regular feature of food culture and it would be almost impossible for many to imagine a life without it. Especially in developed countries the use of meat, eggs and dairy products are contained in all three dishes of the day. In the western world many consumers choose to restrict their diet to vegetarianism.

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